Ch.S. Binder
These are the words of Richard Engländer, said about
- a composer and instrumentalist from Dresden
My first Polish publication about ChristliebSiegmund Binder: "Stylistic Diversity in ChristliebSiegmund Binder’s Works as Exemplified by the Collection of Harpsichord Sonatas, Op. 1: between the Baroque and Classical Periods" (Musica Iagellonica, 2017 r.)
I first came across his name while researching the unique prints in the National Library of Poland in Warsaw. There is not much information available on the life and works of this forgotten artist. Even amongst present early music performers he remains virtually unknown. This very fact has been the cause of my desire to learn more about this composer and bring his works back to life.
ChristliebSiegmund Binder spent his entire life at the Dresden court, working as an active musician. He first played the pantaleon, then the organs and the harpsichord in the court orchestra. He was a dynamic artist who combined many different directions and styles in his works. He united the baroque roots with transitional styles, such as Galant, rococo, Empfindsamkeitand Sturm und Drang to finally reach the classical forms, all of which made his works extraordinarily original and abundant in means of expression. Music theoreticians of his time have already viewed him as a keen and expressive composer whose works displayed a lot of passion. Today Binder is considered to be one of the most prominent pioneers of the new musical aesthetic, which originated in the 18th century and led to the strengthening of the classical style.
Articles my autorship apply to Ch.S. Binder:
XVIII-wieczne Drezno – europejski ośrodek kultury, „” 2023, nr 310,
Rys biograficzny Christlieba Siegmunda Bindera – drezdeńskiego kompozytora i instrumentalisty, „” 2023, nr 310,
Christlieb Siegmund Binder – jeden z ważniejszych prekursorów stylu klasycznego, „” 2023, nr 310,
I kindly invite you to listen to the works of Ch. S. Binder, which I have recorded for the first time in the music industry’s history: The Harpsichord Sonatas, Op. 1 (wyd. 2014) oraz Chamber music (wyd. 2020). I would also enjoy visiting you with a concert and playing his works live.
I invite you to listen fragments of Ch.S. Binder's music performed by me.
● Paulina Tkaczyk-Cichoń - demo
"Klawesyn i pantaleon, czyli zapomniana muzyka dworu drezdeńskiego" - wywiad z Pauliną Tkaczyk w ramach audycji Mateusz Borkowskiego "Mistrzowie i uczniowie", Radio Kraków, 27.02.2021
Ch.S. Binder - Sonata No. 5 in E minor - movement 2 Adagio sostenuto
(Bogumiła Gizbert-Studnicka - harpsichord, Paulina Tkaczyk - traverso flute)
Ch.S. Binder - Divertimento in G major
(Paulina Tkaczyk-Cichoń - harpsichord, Karolina Jesionek - traverso flute)
Paulina Tkaczyk - album presentation - 1
Paulina Tkaczyk - album presentation - 2
Paulina Tkaczyk - album presentation - 3